About the

St. Louis

String Summit

The St. Louis String Collective is hosting its third annual St. Louis String Summit. The St. Louis String Summit is a camp for violin, viola, cello and bass players to explore many styles of music as well as contemporary playing techniques. Students will also be able to take classes in everything from regional fiddle styles to improvisation to the “chop” and much more!


The camp is for beginning, intermediate, advanced, and professional string players ages 13 through adult. Students will primarily be asked to learn by ear.

  • “As you begin to realize that every different type of music, everybody's individual music, has its own rhythm, life, language and heritage, you realize how life changes, and you learn how to be more open and adaptive to what is around us.”

    Yo-Yo Ma

The Camp

When and Where:

The camp runs from 9am to 4pm daily (with an optional daily jam session from 4pm to 5pm), June 24h through June 28th. Activities will be held at Maplewood UCC, 2200 Bellevue Ave, Maplewood, MO 63143. 


Participants are required to bring their own lunch with them each day.

End of Camp Concert

A final gala concert will be given by the student ensembles on Friday, June 28th at 3pm. Admission is free.

Fees and Deposits

The enrollment fee for the camp is $375. To ensure enrollment, a nonrefundable deposit of $75 must be made at time of registration. The balance of the fee ($300) is to be paid on or before Monday, June 24th.

Some classes from past camps…

Intro to Music Theory

Chords and scales and progressions, oh my! We will discuss the math behind the music and learn how to apply this knowledge to your instrument.

All about the “Chop”

This class will explore rhythmic accompaniment with the bow using the "chop" technique. Objectives include being able to produce an unpitched tone using the frog, combining unpitched and pitched strokes over a song form, and the origin of this bow technique.

Learn a Swedish Tune

Come learn a fun folk tune from Sweden. In addition to learning the melody, we will explore second voices as well as different rhythmic and chordal ideas for accompaniment.

Old Time Fiddle Styles

This class will explore some of the different “self accompanying” styles used in ozark and Appalachian fiddling. We will look into using “shuffles,” drones, and perhaps even some alternate tunings! These methods can be used in a variety of ways to enhance ones playing.

Free Improv & Conduction

There are no wrong notes in this class! Get your creative juices flowing with free improvisation exercises, followed by a crash course in the art of Conduction.

How do I practice this stuff?

You’re brain is probably full to bursting by now with new information, tunes and styles. So, where do you take it from here? We’ll discuss personal practice techniques that will help you continue to develop your craft.

Let’s Go Blues

We will explore the mysterious blues form! We will discuss the basic 12 bar blues form, gain some context and insight into its rich history, and begin to explore the tools necessary for beginning improvisation.  

Cellos rule the world!

Why is the cello so awesome? We can cover melodies, harmonies, chords, and rhythms and sound great doing it. We will learn a simple tune and learn how to cover all the parts.

Our Faculty


Q: I've never done anything like this before. It sounds both really fun and really scary! Is this camp for me?

A: We've all been there at one time or another! Trying something out of your comfort zone can be a little scary sometimes. But, as long as you can come to camp with an open mind, we would absolutely love to have you!

Q: My child is younger than 13, but I think this camp sounds perfect! Is this camp for my child?

A: Possibly. We are open to accepting advanced students under 13, but only with special permission. Please email us at info@stlstringcollective.com and we'd be happy to discuss whether or not this camp is a good fit for your child.

Q: I'm a professional classical musician and music teacher. Is this camp for me?

A: YES, absolutely! Players of all ages and abilities attend our camp.  Classes will be grouped with players of similar backgrounds and skill levels. We even offer elective classes specifically for advanced players and for players new to these styles and techniques.

Q: I've only been playing for a year or two. Is this camp for me?

A: Maybe. We do expect you to know the notes on your instrument as well as be able to play in a few different keys. But, if you've been practicing hard and are up for challenge, we'd be happy to have you! If you're unsure, please email us at info@stlstringcollective.com to discuss whether or not this camp is a good fit for you. 

Q: Do you offer scholarships?

A: Yes! We are able to award scholarships to select families who express financial need. To apply for a scholarship fill out the form here and we'll get back to you in a few days.

Q: I live outside of the St. Louis metro area. Is this camp for me?

A: Sure! We are not able to offer housing, but if you would like recommendations, feel free to email us at info@stlstringcollective.com

Our Sponors